Sunday, January 22, 2006

i want to be a better person.
i hate how i feel
i wish i'd married someone else
i want to be able to tell people what i think without fear
i want her child to be stillborn. she deserves it, though the child does not.
i hope he will leave her and destroy her hope, so she knows what she did to me
i haven't forgotten anything

Saturday, August 20, 2005

i hope i can forgive myself.
i want her to want me back. and for me to reject her.
i want her to not know she destroyed my hope
i never want her to smile again
no matters what happens i cannot forget them
i wish that two of my ex's had died
sometimes i wish i'd been born gay
late at night i want to disappear
i wonder if i should continue

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I've cheated on every partner I've ever had.
I've realised that on the inside I am a vile person.
One of my ex's had cervical cancer. After we split up, I prayed for it to kill her.
I wonder how much sympathy I would get it if I had breast cancer.
I may get bored of this. I may not.
She gave me herpes and $37,000 of debt.
Sometimes when I masterbate, I think about hitting my ex-wife in the face when I come.

In My Secret Life

I tell you the things I can never admit to myself.